MOL-IT has been involved in design, development & support of global application systems for MOL Car Carrier division. Implemented across the globe, the solution PCC.Net takes care of the whole business process cycle of the PCC(Pure Car Carrier) division from source to destination. PCC.Net solutions is designed and delivered to meet the most challenging business needs of Car Carrier division.
The system consists of hundreds of user interface and reports grouped into logical applications addressing specific business functions such as Vessel Schedule, Contract, Booking, Bill of Lading, Invoice, EDI etc.
The system additionally facilitates to calculate Early Profit/Loss before actualization of actual revenue, Sector wise P/L, Monthly P/L, Estimation Actual comparison, Cost statistical analysis, Voyage P/L, Other Analysis.
It has integration with 3rd party system VIP and S4HC to sync business data. It also integrates with globally recognized and legally binding global e-BL platform ‘’BOLERO’’ that ensures compliance with International standards.
Inbuilt tableau reports to analyze the application data.
This application has been built on .Net technology with the SQL Server, Control-M to Process automate Job as the backend.
This internet based web application is hosted on the Public Cloud.